Some of My Favourite curl Tricks

Uploading an image with curl

How you upload the image depends on the application receiving it. You have two options. You can either upload simulating an HTML form or you can upload the data in raw bis and bytes.

In the case of an HTML form, you use the -d "upload-file-field=@pictures/ice-cream.jpg" parameter.

If you want to upload the image in binary mode using the `--data-raw parameter, in which case the server expects whatever is POSTed to it to be the image data and nothing else:

$ curl -v --data-binary  @pictures/ice-cream.jpg \
  --header "content-type: image/jpeg" \

In my experience, you must use the --data-binary option, neither -d nor --data-raw will do. This took me a whole day to figure out 😠

PUTing a file with curl

The most important parameters for PUTing a file are -T for the file and -X to specify thePUT HTTP method.

$ curl -I \
-u user:pass \
-T /tmp/user.xml \
-X PUT \
-H "Content-Type:application/atom+xml;type=entry" \
-H "If-Match:*"

Of course, it might be that you don't need the headers I needed here, or that you need different ones. -H is how you specify them in any case.

Seeing what a site looks like as an iPhone

To see what the site looks like as a particular user agent, e.g. an iPhone, you can do the below. I find this very useful for testing the mobile version of web sites I'm developing.

$ curl \
  --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5" \
  --dump-header - \

I also add--dump-header - to see the server response headers, essential when setting up servers and developing web applications :-)

Working with PAC files

As far as I know, neitherwget nor curl has PAC support since PAC is implemented in JavaScript and neither of the command line tools know anything about that.

But fear not! There's a pretty good solution. It's possible to both get PAC based HTTP proxy configuration, proxy password protection and digest autentication working with your favourite command line web ciient.

First, set thehttp_proxy variable to the proxy server that your PAC file resolves too. If your PAC offers several proxies depending on the requested URL, you have to script around it. There'slibproxy-tools, but I couldn't get it to work, hence, I just update the http_proxy variable whenever I need it:

export http_proxy=http://<user>:<password>@proxyserver:<port>

If your proxy is using digest based authentication instead of basic authentication, you must pass the --proxy-digest flag to curl.

The hostname you want to access does not need to be resolvable by your local host, it's enough that it's resolvable by the machine running the web proxy:

$ curl --proxy-digest

If you look at the response headers, you'll see that curl needs to make two requests, one to get the challenge from the proxy server, and one to let through the request to the backend.

So there you are, you're now (almost) free from the shackles of corporate world HTTP limitations!

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