Setting up JRebel


I went over to and downloaded the JRebel standalone archive.

$ unzip -d /opt
$ cd /opt
$ mv jrebel jrebel-6.3.3
$ ln -s jrebel-6.3.3 jrebel


/opt/jrebel/bin/ ~/.jrebel/jrebel.irc

Generate the JRebel XML file

Added this to my project root POM


Then ran:

$  mvn -Pjrebel clean package

If you check the JARs and WARs created, they should contain a rebel.xml (no 'j') which points to your source files for that artifact.

Configuring my app server to use JRebel

Added this to my JVM options:


Deploy your application as normal

Try it out!

Restart your app server and wathc its log file where system out messages are written. On Tomcat this would be tomcat/logs/catalina.out. You should see lines like these:

2016-02-09 10:57:41 JRebel: Directory
will be monitored for changes.
2016-02-09 10:57:41 JRebel: Directory
will be monitored for changes.

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