Fast Emacs for Firefox

Firefox looks up apps by mime type by searching the directory:


If you've got Emacs installed, chances are that you have an emacs.desktop file in there and that file tells the system to use Emacs for opening a boat load of formats:

$ grep MimeType= /usr/share/applications/emacs.desktop

To make Firefox open Emacs with a minimal configuration, I changed the Exec= line like this:

Exec=/usr/bin/emacs -Q -l /home/torstein/src/skybert/my-little-friends/emacs/.emacs.minimal %F

Now, whatever desktop app wants to open any of the above file formats, it opens it in a new Emacs process (I don't want to open it in my main Emacs via emacsclient) with a minmal configuration file. Fast, yet has some batteries included.

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