To create a graphical er diagram of your database from the command line, you can use schemaspy.
On Arch Linux, you can install it with:
$ paru -S schemaspy
For other distros, Windows and Mac: If you don't find it in your package manager for your system, you can download the JAR file from their website, it's a one-JAR-file program.
You're now set to use it. You pass it the database type, connection
details and so on. It's worth noting that for MySQL and MariaDB, the
datbase namae passed in -db <db>
and schema given in -s <schema>
is the same.
$ schemaspy -o ~/mydb-er-website \
-t mariadb \
-host localhost \
-db mydb \
-s mydb \
-u myuser \
-p hunter2
Point your browser at ~/mydb-er-website/index.html
and you'll find a
website dedicated to your database, including nice PNGs of each table
and its immediate relationsships, as well as diagrams of the complete