These are the books I've read in 2018.
De fems tegn, Hans Olav Lahlum: Great read.
Et hummerliv, Erik Fosnes Hansen: Fosnes Hansen is my favourite Norwegian author, but this novel was a huge disappointment. Long winded and boring.
A Clash of Kings, George R. R. Martin
Silmarillion, J. R. R. Tolkien: Second attempt to get through this book, this time I succeeded. Lots of good, loosely coupled stories with beautiful language, but heavy going and out right boring at times.
The Children of Hurin, J.R.R. Tolkien: Captivating read, but the ending is sad like a Greek tragedy.
Learning things
Kroppsspråk, Petter Schjerven
The Obstacle is the Way, Ryan Holiday
Together is Better, Simon Sinek
Still reading as I head into 2019
Tenke, fort og langsomt*, Daniel Kahneman
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, Steven Levy