Session binding with Varnish, Apache and Resin

This is how I set up session binding using Varnish, Apache/mod_proxy_balancer and three Resin application server.

Request flow

varnish:80 -> apache:81 -> resin:8080

Creating a load balancer cookie

Since themod_proxy_balancer insist on the cookie names being on the form . in order to do the session binding (see theroute parameter below) and Resin does not allow you to configure this, I had to create an own routing cookie.

If you're running Tomcat, you don't need to need this as the cookies are given the correct format for routing/session binding when you specify the jvmRoute parameter in server.xml:

<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="app1">

Anyways, creating a session cookie like this will add session binding support to any application server, including Resin:

public class LoadBalancerFilter implements Filter {

  public static final String LB_COOKIE_NAME = "LBMEMBER";
  public static final String LB_MEMBER_PREXIX = "lbmember";

  public void doFilter(
    ServletRequest pRequest,
    ServletResponse pResponse,
    FilterChain pChain)
    throws IOException, ServletException
    String host = "unknown";
      host = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
    catch (UnknownHostException uhe)
      pChain.doFilter(pRequest, pResponse);

    // if we get, remove
    int periodIndex = host.indexOf(".");
    if (periodIndex != -1)
      host = host.substring(0, periodIndex);

    Cookie cookie =
      new Cookie(LB_COOKIE_NAME, LB_MEMBER_PREXIX + "." + host + "; path=/");

    if (pResponse instanceof HttpServletResponse)
      ((HttpServletResponse) pResponse).addCookie(cookie);
    pChain.doFilter(pRequest, pResponse);

Add it to your webapp descriptor (web.xml):




Apache mod_proxy_balancer configuration

This is how to set up Apache and mod_proxy_balancer with session binding, using theLBMEMBER cookie to route the incoming requests to the correct backend server.

ProxyPass / balancer://mycluster/
ProxyPassReverse / http://app1:8080/
ProxyPassReverse / http://app2:8080/
ProxyPassReverse / http://app3:8080/

# load balancing to the app servers
<Proxy balancer://mycluster>
  BalancerMember http://app1:8080 route=app1
  BalancerMember http://app2:8080 route=app2
  BalancerMember http://app3:8080 route=app3
  ProxySet stickysession=LBMEMBER lbmethod=byrequests nofailover=On
  Allow from all

Getting Varnish to respect sessions

Out of the box, Varnish will not treat a session like any other request. We have to explicitly add the session cookie to the Varnish caching hash and make sure that Varnish doesn't throw away the cookie:

So, although Varnish 2.x has support for load balancing multiple backend servers, it is of no good for us since we need session binding. Hence, we just make sure that Varnish includes the cookie in the hash and not trows it away and then let Apache do the load balancing.

/* ***************************************************************** */
/* Although Varnish supports load balancing, we have to use Apache to
* do the job as Varnish does not support session binding and
* Apache/mod_proxy_balancer does. */
/* ***************************************************************** */
backend default {
  .host = "";
  .port = "81";

/* ***************************************************************** */
/* Include cookies in the cache */
/* ***************************************************************** */
sub vcl_hash {
  set req.hash += req.url;
  set req.hash +=;
  set req.hash += req.http.cookie;


sub vcl_recv {
  /* java apps use cookies for the session object. */
  if (req.http.Cookie) {

What about mod_cacho?

The reason why I did not usemod_caucho because:

  1. it didn't compile on my servers (the make file it insisted on building the apache1 modules and building the apache2 module directly threw many compilation errors),

  2. there was no good doc on how to get it to compile and

  3. I seems to me that you still have a single point of failure. Session binding in the Resin cluster works like that you have one Resin that knows about the others and by that does the load balacning between them. What if THE one goes down?

If 3) can be solved, I still have 1) and 2) against mod_cacucho :-)

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